Currency details CUC Cuba [Cuban convertible Peso (->CUP)]
Label of currency CUC is Cuban convertible Peso (->CUP). Currency code CUC is associated to Cuba, flag is used on this site for it. Amounts in this currency have up to 2 decimals. It is mainly associated to country or zone Cuba. Currency CUC doesn't have legal tender anymore, it was replaced by currency CUP since 2021-01-01. Currency CUC is pegged with currency USD since , the fixed price is 1 USD=1 CUC. Currency code CUC is a 3 letter normalized code according to standard ISO-4217, the 2 first letters are the code of the issuing country, third letter is the initial of the currency. We recorded price on this currency since 1994-01-01
List of countries that are using or were using currency CUC :
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Amounts can be entered with a comma or dot to separate the decimal part. Be careful : some historic rates of minor currencies are not known a long way in the past.
This page uses last published exchange rates on 07 September 2024 15:45 CEST.
For Gold (XAU), Silver (XAG), platinum (XPT) and Palladium (XPD), rates and amounts are expressed in grams (1 ounce=31.103 g). All official rules are used