Sample of using currency exchange rate web service, see more explanations on Developpers page, source code in PHP is available here

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1); $leservice=new SoapClient($wsdl, $option); $mylist=$leservice->DescCurrency("EN", "JPY"); echo "Label of country for currency JPY is ".$mylist->CountryDescription .", currency label is ". $mylist->CurrencyLabel."

"; $mylist=$leservice->DescCurrency("FR", "FRF"); echo "French label of country using FRF is \"".$mylist->CountryDescription ."\", currency name is \"". $mylist->CurrencyLabel."\"

"; $mylist=$leservice->DescCurrency("DE", "ATS"); echo "Im Deutsch, Währung ATS ist ".$mylist->CountryDescription ."

"; $mylist=$leservice->DescCurrency("PT", "FRF"); echo "FRF currency in portuguese is ".$mylist->CountryDescription ."

"; $mylist=$leservice->DescCurrency("JP", "GBP"); echo "Label for GBP in japanese is \"".$mylist->CountryDescription ."\"

"; $mylist=$leservice->Convert("123.45", "EUR", "USD", "15/12/2011", "",""); echo "Converting 123.45 EUR in USD on 15/12/2011 - ResultAmount=".$mylist->ResultAmount .", DD=". $mylist->DD .", MM=". $mylist->MM .", YYYY=". $mylist->YYYY .", C1=". $mylist->C1 .", C2=". $mylist->C2 .", OriginalAmount=". $mylist->OriginalAmount .", ExchangeRate=". $mylist->ExchangeRate .", Comment=". $mylist->Comment ."

"; $mylist=$leservice->Convert("123.45", "EUR", "GBP", "", "",""); echo "Converting 123.45 EUR in GBP on today's date no password provided (should use year 1999 because no credentials) - ResultAmount=".$mylist->ResultAmount .", DD=". $mylist->DD .", MM=". $mylist->MM .", YYYY=". $mylist->YYYY .", C1=". $mylist->C1 .", C2=". $mylist->C2 .", OriginalAmount=". $mylist->OriginalAmount .", ExchangeRate=". $mylist->ExchangeRate .", Comment=". $mylist->Comment ."

"; $mylist=$leservice->Convert("123.45", "EUR", "GBP", "", "YOURLOGIN", "ASK FOR YOUR PASSWORD AT WEBMASTER@FXTOP.COM"); echo "Converting 123.45 EUR in GBP on today's date with login/password provided - ResultAmount=".$mylist->ResultAmount .", DD=". $mylist->DD .", MM=". $mylist->MM .", YYYY=". $mylist->YYYY .", C1=". $mylist->C1 .", C2=". $mylist->C2 .", OriginalAmount=". $mylist->OriginalAmount .", ExchangeRate=". $mylist->ExchangeRate .", Comment=". $mylist->Comment ."

"; $mylist=$leservice->Convert("123.45", "USD", "GBP", "15/12/1953", "YOURLOGIN", "ASK FOR YOUR PASSWORD AT WEBMASTER@FXTOP.COM"); echo "Converting 123.45 USD in GBP on 15/12/1953 with login/password provided - ResultAmount=".$mylist->ResultAmount .", DD=". $mylist->DD .", MM=". $mylist->MM .", YYYY=". $mylist->YYYY .", C1=". $mylist->C1 .", C2=". $mylist->C2 .", OriginalAmount=". $mylist->OriginalAmount .", ExchangeRate=". $mylist->ExchangeRate .", Comment=". $mylist->Comment ."

"; echo "calling ListCurrencies()
"; $mylist=$leservice->ListCurrencies("",""); var_dump($mylist); //echo "calling to ListCurrencies() returned : $mylist->IsocodeList
"; $lArray=explode("/",$mylist); print "Retrieve individual currency labels in German for first 5 rows :

"; $li=1; foreach($lArray as $lCurrency) { $v=$leservice->DescCurrency("DE", $lCurrency); print ""; $li=$li+1; if ($li>5) { break; } } print "
NumberIsocodeCountryLabelNb DecMode C
" . ($li) . "" . $v->Isocode . "" . $v->CountryDescription . "" . $v->CurrencyLabel . "" . $v->NbDec . "" . $v->ModeC . "
"; print "

Trying to call an unknown function and debugging it
"; try { $leservice->ThisFunctionDoesNotExist(); } catch(SoapFault $fault) { //

tag displays xml output in html echo 'Request : <br/><xmp>', $leservice->__getLastRequest(), '

Error Message :
', $fault->getMessage(); } ?>