Subscription to exchange rates data flow and customized currency converter :


More than 10 years experience !

Fxtop has fed exchange rates to lots of clients for more than 10 years. These exchange rates are used for various uses like integration into accounting systems (ERP), E-commerce or other application.
We provide official historical exchange rates from 1953
Fxtop also designs customized currency converters

Data is available in Excel addon

For non developers, this is maybe the easiest way to access or data, as you can access it directly under Microsoft Excel.
You can try this feature now for free !

The most popular formats are currently supported : XML, Text, CSV, SQL, Web Services, Javascript or Ajax/JQuery scripts

Exchange rates are available in several formats or web services : XML
Text or CSV (can be read with Excel)
SQL queries can be integrated directly in a database without developing any specific interface
standard SOAP web services or easy REST web services
Excel addon to directly access to data on Excel
Javascript scripts or Ajax/JQuery can be integrated easily on your web site

Exchange rates are given against a base currency of your choice (Euro, dollar...)

Currency label are expressed in the most popular standard character set (International Standard Unicode Utf-8 or European Standard Latin-1...) and labels are provided in 12 languages.

General formats are ready for immediate use. We can also adapt them to your specific needs very quickly.

Powerful servers, high bandwith and a waranteed availability

We have powerful dedicated servers. Our production server has a global waranteed bandwidth of at least 200 Mbps.
We also have separate dedicated servers for development, integration tests and backup.

We guarantee you an availability of 99 % and a waranteed bandwidth of 5 Mbps specially for you and also a secondary access to our backup server !

Web, FTP, Email, Web service... Several means to access our data

Exchange rates are sent to clients acording to several means :
* sent by mail to one or several email address
* data put on our web site
* data put or our FTP server
* data sent on your FTP server
* data available through our web service

Integration Support and service adaptation within 24 hours

Subscription to our service includes
* adaptation of service to your specific needs
* help to integrate service into your information system.
For example, if you want the SQL query file we send you to be compatible with your specific database, we can adapt it.

We provide help with support queries within 24 hours.
Support is provided by mail and is limited to one hour every year. You might think it is not much but it covers most usual needs.

Immediate activation of service

Most common services (standards formats XML, CSV, SQL, web services) will be activated immediately and automatically after receiving payment.
If you don't want to pay online with a credit card using Paypal, you can pay after receiving an invoice, we will activate the service when we receive your order form (fill the form below to get an order form).
So as soon as we receive payment or order form, you will receive a mail with a password to access our services and the location of these services on our web site.
Exchange rates sent by mail will also be performed automatically if you subscribe to this option.
For services not available immediatly (FTP, need to adapt file format), a delay of only one day is required.

A unique price of only 400 dollars per year !(*)

Yes, you read it properly, for only , 400 US dollars per year all our exchange rates data feed services are included !
You can also pay in Euros, in that case, the price is 300 euros per year(*).
For this price, you can have access to daily exchange rates in any format (XML, CSV...), the monthly average, and access to our historical exchange rates database since 1953, through our web services.

So don't hesitate. Order now and fill the form :

General Conditions

Our general exchange rates conditions are available here

More information about the service
Fill in the folowing form to ask for more information without any engagement to subscribe to the service.
Name :
Organization :
Telephone number:
Email address:
Address :
Language used:
I'm interested in : XML : daily exchange rate data feed in XML format
CSV - Text : daily exchange rate data feed in Text format
SQL : daily exchange rate data feed in SQL query to populate my database
MONTH : Monthly average of exchange rates
Web services (SOAP, REST ou AJAX/JQuery) to access daily rates or historical exchange rates
customized currency converter for my web site
Javascript script with exchange rates
Graph : reproducing historical exchange rates graph on my website and replacing background FXTOP logo with mine
I don't know or I'm confused about technical details and I would like to be called back to get advice for my choice

I wish to receive data feed : WEB : Data feed available on a specific address on the site
EMAIL : Exchange rates in my mailbox
FTP on server
On my FTP server
RSS flow
I don't know or I'm confused with technical details and I would like to be called back to get advice for my choice
Message :
Copy following check code :
anti-spam picture

A copy of your message will be sent to the address you provided.