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Major fx rates :
1 EUR=1.1158 USD
1 EUR=159.63 JPY
1 EUR=0.8334 GBP
1 USD=143.06 JPY
1 USD=0.8442 CHF
1 GBP=1.3389 USD
1 USD=1.3476 CAD
1 USD=1.4501 AUD
1 EUR=0.942 CHF
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Rates on 27 September 2024
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Base currency : USD
CurrencyChange01 January 197027 September 2024 16:38 CEST
XAU XAU Gold gram [Gold gram]7418.388835 %0.8770860.011666
XAG XAG Silver gram [Silver gram]1708.126145 %17.5723160.971852
CHF CHF Switzerland [Swiss franc]413.293620 %4.3207260.841765
JPY JPY Japan [Japanese yen]150.450926 %357.721764142.831081
SGD SGD Singapore [Singapore dollar]139.273596 %3.0612201.279381
BND BND Brunei [Brunei dollar]138.673545 %3.0612201.282597
QAR QAR Qatar [Qatari riyal]30.821429 %4.7619003.640000
AED AED United Arabic Emirates [UAE dirham]29.663717 %4.7619003.672500
BHD BHD Bahrain [Bahraini dinar]26.646277 %0.4761900.376000
DJF DJF Djibouti [Djiboutian franc]20.634028 %214.392000177.721000
SAR SAR Saudi Arabia [Saudi riyal]20.000000 %4.5000003.750000
EUR EUR Euroland [Euro]19.450069 %1.0675500.893721
KWD KWD Kuwait [Kuwaiti dinar]16.954183 %0.3571430.305370
DKK DKK Denmark [Danish krone]12.450840 %7.4937046.663983
OMR OMR Oman [Omani rial]8.366753 %0.4166670.384497
BSD BSD Bahamas [Bahamian dollar]0.170080 %1.0017011.000000
BBD BBD Barbados [Barbados dollar]0.000000 %2.0000002.000000
USD USD United States [US dollar]0.000000 %1.0000001.000000
PAB PAB Panama [Panamanian balboa]0.000000 %1.0000001.000000
BMD BMD Bermuda [Bermudian dollar]0.000000 %1.0000001.000000
KYD KYD Cayman Islands [Cayman Islands dollar]-0.710200 %0.8274150.833333
XPF XPF French Pacific [French pacific franc]-5.311050 %100.985000106.649191
VUV VUV Vanuatu [Vanuatu vatu]-13.975441 %100.985000117.390896
BZD BZD Belize [Belize dollar]-16.666500 %1.6666702.000000
CAD CAD Canada [Canadian dollar]-20.385477 %1.0729571.347690
HKD HKD Hong-Kong [Hong Kong dollar]-22.028028 %6.0606007.772793
MOP MOP Macau [Macanese pataca]-24.413927 %6.0514048.005977
MYR MYR Malaysia [Malaysian ringgit]-25.788787 %3.0612204.125010
XCD XCD Eastern Caribbean States [East Caribbean dollar]-25.925926 %2.0000002.700000
NOK NOK Norway [Norwegian krone]-31.687264 %7.14681410.461905
THB THB Thailand [Thai baht]-35.631634 %20.80000032.314010
KMF KMF Comoros [Comoro franc]-37.136159 %276.400795439.681684
KID KID Kiribati (->AUD) [Kiribati dollar]-38.072798 %0.8928571.441785
AUD AUD Australia [Australian dollar]-38.072798 %0.8928571.441785
AFA AFA Afghanistan (->AFN) [Afghan afghani]-41.384192 %39858.65330067999.835555
NZD NZD New-Zealand [New Zealand dollar]-43.167000 %0.8928571.571019
GIP GIP Gibraltar [Gibraltar pound]-44.085434 %0.4166670.745185
GBP GBP Great-Britain [Pound sterling]-44.105929 %0.4165140.745185
MAD MAD Morocco [Moroccan dirham]-47.715480 %5.0604909.678754
SEK SEK Sweden [Swedish krona]-48.704572 %5.16214310.063554
JOD JOD Jordania [Jordanian dinar]-49.627221 %0.3571430.709000
XOF XOF BCEAO (UEMOA) [CFA Franc BCEAO]-52.851720 %276.403137586.242245
XAF XAF BEAC (CEMAC) [CFA Franc BEAC]-52.851720 %276.403137586.242245
SCR SCR Seychelles [Seychelles rupee]-58.243371 %5.55554613.304585
FJD FJD Fiji [Fiji dollar]-60.047094 %0.8708342.179651
TOP TOP Tonga [Tongan pa'anga]-61.877947 %0.8928572.342101
CNY CNY China [Chinese yuan renminbi (RMB)]-64.886972 %2.4618107.011100
MVR MVR Maldives [Maldivian rufiyaa]-69.055122 %4.75000015.349875
TTD TTD Trinidad & Tobago [Trinidad dollar]-70.553488 %2.0000006.791976
CVE CVE Cape Verde [Cape Verde escudo]-70.825042 %28.75000098.543414
WST WST Samoa (Western) [Samoan tala]-73.228727 %0.7210702.693447
KRW KRW South Korea [South Korean won]-76.243947 %310.5558331307.270350
PGK PGK Papua New Guinea [Papua New Guinean kina]-77.525475 %0.8928573.972751
TND TND Tunisia [Tunisian dinar]-82.601496 %0.5250003.017501
HUF HUF Hungary [Hungarian forint]-83.090520 %60.000000354.830540
ERN ERN Eritrea [Eritrean nakfa]-83.317509 %2.50237415.000000
MRU MRU Mauritania [Mauritanian ouguiya]-86.002520 %5.55419039.679928
MRO MRO Mauritania (->MRU) [Mauritanian ouguiya]-86.002520 %55.541900396.799277
GTQ GTQ Guatemala [Guatemalan quetzal]-87.070243 %1.0000007.734098
MUR MUR Mauritius Island [Mauritian rupee]-87.909637 %5.55555045.950234
SBD SBD Solomon Islands [Solomon Islands dollar]-89.361155 %0.8928578.392424
PHP PHP Philippines [Philippine peso]-89.441910 %5.90435055.922522
BTN BTN Bhutan [Bhutanese ngultrum]-91.036157 %7.50000083.669473
INR INR India [Indian rupee]-91.037272 %7.50000083.679884
HNL HNL Honduras [Honduran lempira]-91.958112 %2.00000024.869781
NPR NPR Nepal [Nepalese rupee]-92.436602 %10.125000133.868401
LYD LYD Libya [Libyan dinar]-92.457360 %0.3571434.734987
RWF RWF Rwanda [Rwandan franc]-92.642372 %100.0000001359.133734
KES KES Kenya [Kenyan shilling]-94.462890 %7.142860128.999794
BWP BWP Botswana [Botswana pula]-94.518945 %0.71641413.070724
ZAR ZAR South Africa [South African rand]-95.823377 %0.71428617.101998
NAD NAD Namibia [Namibian dollar]-95.851676 %0.71641417.269950
SZL SZL Swaziland [Swazi lilangeni]-95.863892 %0.71428617.269519
LSL LSL Lesotho [Lesotho loti]-95.864065 %0.71428617.270243
HTG HTG Haiti [Haitian gourde]-96.205514 %5.000000131.770155
DZD DZD Algeria [Algerian dinar]-96.265175 %4.937060132.189848
GMD GMD Gambia [Gambian dalasi]-96.958636 %2.08333068.499859
BIF BIF Burundi [Burundian franc]-96.977549 %87.5000002895.001176
IDR IDR Indonesia [Indonesian rupiah]-97.598094 %362.83333315106.056137
ETB ETB Ethiopia [Ethipian birr]-97.921431 %2.500000120.275076
LKR LKR Sri Lanka [Sri Lankan rupee]-98.006205 %5.952370298.544745
PKR PKR Pakistan [Pakistani rupee]-98.286317 %4.761900277.875143
DOP DOP Dominican Republic [Dominican peso]-98.344446 %1.00000060.402731
PYG PYG Paraguay [Paraguayan guaraní]-98.385526 %126.0000007804.400645
KHR KHR Cambodia [Cambodian riel]-98.635381 %55.5400004070.001636
CRC CRC Costa Rica [Costa Rican colon]-98.723407 %6.625000518.959605
SOS SOS Somalia [Somali shilling]-98.749062 %7.142860571.000181
LAK LAK Laos [Lao kip]-98.913917 %240.00046422097.808350
GYD GYD Guyana [Guyanese dollar]-99.043783 %2.000000209.157437
EGP EGP Egypt [Egyptian pound]-99.101205 %0.43478348.373918
ISK ISK Iceland [Icelandic króna]-99.346671 %0.880000134.694777
JMD JMD Jamaica [Jamaican dollar]-99.469492 %0.833333157.082147
LRD LRD Liberia [Liberian dollar]-99.483871 %1.000000193.750087
COP COP Colombia [Colombian peso]-99.556759 %18.4431004160.961691
GNF GNF Guinea [Guinean franc]-99.714044 %24.6850008632.436839
TZS TZS Tanzania [Tanzanian shilling]-99.738357 %7.1428602730.001039
MGF MGF Madagascar (->MGA) [Malagasy franc]-99.755699 %55.54190022735.008164
IRR IRR Iran [Iranian rial]-99.819862 %75.75000042051.146834
MMK MMK Myanmar [Myanma kyat]-99.853388 %4.7619003247.962312
STD STD São Tomé & Principe (->STN) [São Tomé dobra]-99.868698 %28.75000021896.153248
STN STN São Tomé & Principe [São Tomé dobra]-99.868698 %0.02875021.896153
ECS ECS Ecuador (->USD) [Ecuadorian sucre]-99.916333 %20.91670025000.000000
BGL BGL Bulgaria (->BGN) [Bulgarian lev]-99.933065 %0.0011701.747965
MXN MXN Mexico [Mexican peso]-99.936181 %0.01250019.586648
MXP MXP Mexico(->MXN) [old Mexican peso]-99.936181 %12.50000019586.647994
MWK MWK Malawi [Malawian kwacha]-99.951969 %0.8333331735.000550
NGN NGN Nigeria [Nigerian naira]-99.957190 %0.7142861668.490898
SYP SYP Syria [Syrian pound]-99.970566 %3.82000012978.281264
IQD IQD Iraq [Iraqi dinar]-99.972649 %0.3571431305.759932
PLN PLN Poland [Polish zloty]-99.989523 %0.0004003.817825
ILP ILP Israel (->ILS) [Israeli pound]-99.990522 %0.00350036.928613
ILS ILS Israel [Israeli new shekel]-99.990522 %0.0003503.692861
SLE SLE Sierra Leone [new Sierra Leonean leone]-99.996308 %0.00083322.570379
SLL SLL Sierra Leone [old Sierra Leonean leone]-99.996308 %0.83333322570.379154
LBP LBP Lebanon [Lebanese pound]-99.996350 %3.26898389550.036171
ZMK ZMK Zambia (->ZMW) [Zambian kwacha]-99.997299 %0.71428626442.043117
UGX UGX Uganda [Ugandan shilling]-99.998066 %0.0714303693.802919
CLP CLP Chile [Chilean peso]-99.998750 %0.011277902.020186
UYP UYP Uruguay (->UYU) [Urugayan peso]-99.999408 %0.00024841.923800
ZWD ZWD Zimbabwe (->USD) [Zimbabwe dollar]-99.999809 %0.000714374.508239
BOB BOB Bolivia [Boliviano]-99.999828 %0.0000126.909218
MZM MZM Mozambique (->MZN) [Mozambican metical]-99.999955 %0.02875063900.228614
TRL TRL Turkey (->TRY) [Turkish lira]-99.999967 %11.30000034162933.298061
SRG SRG Suriname (->SRD) [Surinamese guilder]-99.999994 %0.00188530700.508884
ROL ROL Romania (->RON) [Romanian leu]-99.999999 %0.00060044472.034591
GHC GHC Ghana (->GHS) [Ghanaian new cedi]-100.000000 %0.000102158701.987098
SDP SDP Sudan (Pound->SDG) [Sudanese dinar]-100.000000 %0.000348600565.234035
VEB VEB Venezuela (->VES) [Venezualan bolivar]-100.000000 %0.0044003681876956130833.500000
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Before 31/12/1998, the Euro(EUR) exchange rates are theoretical ones. Use the XEU code to see Ecu (European Currency Unit) exchange rates. Before 13/03/1979 XEU rates are theoretical ones.
For Gold (XAU), Silver (XAG), platinum (XPT) and Palladium (XPD), rates and amounts are expressed in grams (1 ounce=31.103 g).