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1 EUR=1.0686 USD
1 EUR=165.57 JPY
1 EUR=0.8595 GBP
1 USD=154.94 JPY
1 USD=0.9147 CHF
1 GBP=1.2434 USD
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1 USD=1.5367 AUD
1 EUR=0.9774 CHF
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Rates on 24 April 2024
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CurrencyChange23 May 202325 April 2024 13:08 CEST
XCL XCL Chainlink cryptocurrency [LINK]126.070775 %0.1559050.068963
XUS XUS Uniswap cryptocurrency [UNI]50.502167 %0.1968240.130778
XAD XAD Cardano digital currency [ADA]30.123694 %2.7482272.112011
XLM XLM Stellar Lumen digital currency [Lumen]28.852401 %11.3281478.791568
XCP XCP Copper gram [Copper highgrade]24.090788 %8.5506536.890643
XAU XAU Gold gram [Gold gram]18.075266 %0.0159090.013473
XAG XAG Silver gram [Silver gram]16.687880 %1.3256791.136090
MXN MXN Mexico [Mexican peso]5.038031 %17.92606017.066257
MXP MXP Mexico(->MXN) [old Mexican peso]5.038031 %17926.05993117066.256557
PLN PLN Poland [Polish zloty]3.772211 %4.1764544.024636
DZD DZD Algeria [Algerian dinar]1.590283 %136.668448134.529055
ZAR ZAR South Africa [South African rand]1.484233 %19.28935919.007247
GBP GBP Great-Britain [Pound sterling]0.946903 %0.8070600.799490
MAD MAD Morocco [Moroccan dirham]0.719132 %10.20619810.133326
ISK ISK Iceland [Icelandic króna]0.289858 %140.365526139.959841
HKD HKD Hong-Kong [Hong Kong dollar]0.111248 %7.8374627.828752
QAR QAR Qatar [Qatari riyal]0.000000 %3.6400003.640000
USD USD United States [US dollar]0.000000 %1.0000001.000000
AED AED United Arabic Emirates [UAE dirham]-0.000000 %3.6725003.672500
NOK NOK Norway [Norwegian krone]-0.098866 %10.93979010.950617
EUR EUR Euroland [Euro]-0.495593 %0.9277300.932351
RON RON Romania [Romanian new Leu]-0.586829 %4.6126734.639901
INR INR India [Indian rupee]-0.611229 %82.81612483.325433
DKK DKK Denmark [Danish krone]-0.651856 %6.9092686.954602
SGD SGD Singapore [Singapore dollar]-0.876136 %1.3477131.359625
CAD CAD Canada [Canadian dollar]-1.179894 %1.3517951.367935
CHF CHF Switzerland [Swiss franc]-1.275394 %0.9015680.913215
AUD AUD Australia [Australian dollar]-1.410522 %1.5105301.532141
XDR XDR IMF [Special drawing right]-1.542689 %0.7479400.759659
SEK SEK Sweden [Swedish krona]-2.210954 %10.62195010.862106
CNH CNH China/Hong Kong [Chinese Yuan Renminbi Offshore]-2.543881 %7.0792617.264050
CNY CNY China [Chinese yuan renminbi (RMB)]-2.644422 %7.0543657.245979
ILP ILP Israel (->ILS) [Israeli pound]-2.835117 %36.88282837.959010
ILS ILS Israel [Israeli new shekel]-2.835117 %3.6882833.795901
BRL BRL Brazil [Brazilian real]-3.303188 %4.9771785.147199
KRW KRW South Korea [South Korean won]-3.957451 %1319.9276371374.315499
MYR MYR Malaysia [Malaysian ringgit]-4.343374 %4.5699974.777502
HUF HUF Hungary [Hungarian forint]-4.593851 %349.243900366.060160
NZD NZD New-Zealand [New Zealand dollar]-4.663828 %1.5999631.678233
TWD TWD Taiwan [New Taiwan dollar]-5.538720 %30.78780032.593037
THB THB Thailand [Thai baht]-6.223786 %34.72956737.034516
CZK CZK Czechia [Czech koruna]-6.482265 %21.96957023.492411
IDR IDR Indonesia [Indonesian rupiah]-7.970310 %14883.78328216172.806016
XLC XLC Litecoin digital currency [LTC]-8.742610 %0.0109260.011973
JPY JPY Japan [Japanese yen]-11.000291 %138.417293155.525557
RUB RUB Russia [Russian ruble]-13.105887 %80.09000092.169651
CLP CLP Chile [Chilean peso]-16.185924 %798.480093952.680187
EGP EGP Egypt [Egyptian pound]-35.432588 %30.90712647.867996
TRY TRY Turkey [Turkish lira]-38.961904 %19.85276932.525211
ARS ARS Argentina [Argentine peso]-73.093623 %234.957838873.242189
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Before 31/12/1998, the Euro(EUR) exchange rates are theoretical ones. Use the XEU code to see Ecu (European Currency Unit) exchange rates. Before 13/03/1979 XEU rates are theoretical ones.
For Gold (XAU), Silver (XAG), platinum (XPT) and Palladium (XPD), rates and amounts are expressed in grams (1 ounce=31.103 g).