on 31 December 2016
39.99 GBP-Great-Britain [Pound sterling / £]=49.23 USD-United States [US dollar / $]1 GBP=1.231166 USD
39.99 USD-United States [US dollar / $]=32.48 GBP-Great-Britain [Pound sterling / £]1 USD=0.812238 GBP

Conversion of 39.99 GBP to USD on 01 January 2016
Historical exchange rates graph :
Click to enlarge
Historical exchange rates array :
2016-01-04 / 2016-12-30
YearAverage 39.99 GBP/USDMin 39.99 GBP/USDMax 39.99 GBP/USDNb of working days

Exchange rates are refreshed daily and are the official ones published by Central banks
Before 31/12/1998, the Euro(EUR) exchange rates are theoretical ones. Use the XEU code to see Ecu (European Currency Unit) exchange rates. Before 13/03/1979 XEU rates are theoretical ones.
For Gold (XAU), Silver (XAG), platinum (XPT) and Palladium (XPD), rates and amounts are expressed in grams (1 ounce=31.103 g).