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Major fx rates :
1 EUR=1.0837 USD
1 EUR=162.45 JPY
1 EUR=0.8308 GBP
1 USD=149.9 JPY
1 USD=0.8666 CHF
1 GBP=1.3044 USD
1 USD=1.3794 CAD
1 USD=1.4894 AUD
1 EUR=0.9391 CHF
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Rates on 18 October 2024 10:42 CEST
on 18 October 2024 10:42 CEST
1000 CVE-Cape Verde [Cape Verde escudo]=9.83 USD-United States [US dollar / $]1 CVE=0.009829 USD
1000 USD-United States [US dollar / $]=101 742.02 CVE-Cape Verde [Cape Verde escudo]1 USD=101.742021 CVE
Enter an amount in the box field of your chosen currency and click here to see the converted amount :
CurrencyAmountExchange rate
CVECVE Cape Verde [Cape Verde escudo]1 CVE=1 CVE
USDUSD United States [US dollar / $]1 USD=101.742021 CVE
AUDAUD Australia [Australian dollar / $ AU]1 AUD=68.312134 CVE
CADCAD Canada [Canadian dollar / $ CA]1 CAD=73.758977 CVE
CHFCHF Switzerland [Swiss franc / F CH]1 CHF=117.406415 CVE
CNYCNY China [Chinese yuan renminbi (RMB) / ¥]1 CNY=14.319383 CVE
EUREUR Euroland [Euro / €]1 EUR=110.262 CVE
JPYJPY Japan [Japanese yen / ¥]1 JPY=0.678724 CVE
GBPGBP Great-Britain [Pound sterling / £]1 GBP=132.714348 CVE
MXNMXN Mexico [Mexican peso]1 MXN=5.145241 CVE
NZDNZD New-Zealand [New Zealand dollar / $ NZ]1 NZD=61.763505 CVE
SEKSEK Sweden [Swedish krona]1 SEK=9.676663 CVE

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Enter an amount in the box field of your chosen currency and click here or another box field to see the converted amount.
Amounts can be entered with a comma or dot to separate the decimal part.
The euro rates against the out currencies were refreshed on 18 October 2024 10:42 CEST
To see daily reference rates coming from central banks, use Historical currency converter
For Gold (XAU), Silver (XAG), platinum (XPT) and Palladium (XPD), rates and amounts are expressed in grams (1 ounce=31.103 g).
All official rules are used