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Rates on 04 October 2024 11:18 CEST

Currency pair TZS Tanzania [Tanzanian shilling] against EUR Euroland [Euro / €]

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Latest exchange rates :
on 04 October 2024 11:18 CEST
1 TZS-Tanzania [Tanzanian shilling]=0.0003 EUR-Euroland [Euro / €]
1 EUR-Euroland [Euro / €]=3 005.624 TZS-Tanzania [Tanzanian shilling]
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EUREUR3 005.62411.61221.49520.93950.8384161.40711.1023
AUDAUD1 864.31710.620310.92750.58280.52100.1170.6837
CADCAD2 010.13490.66881.078210.62830.5607107.94770.7372
CHFCHF3 199.11961.06441.7161.591510.8924171.79821.1733
GBPGBP3 584.9781.19281.92291.78351.12061192.51941.3148
USDUSD2 726.62730.90721.46251.35640.85230.7606146.42451

(*) Example :1 TZS-Tanzania [Tanzanian shilling]=0.0003 EUR-Euroland [Euro / €]

Pocket guide : More options
1 0000.33
1 1000.37
1 2000.4
1 5000.5
1 7000.57
2 0000.67
2 5000.83
3 0001
4 0001.33
5 0001.66
6 0002
7 0002.33
8 0002.66
9 0002.99
10 0003.33
11 0003.66
12 0003.99
15 0004.99
17 0005.66
20 0006.65
25 0008.32
30 0009.98
40 00013.31
50 00016.64
60 00019.96
70 00023.29
80 00026.62
90 00029.94
100 00033.27
110 00036.6
120 00039.93
150 00049.91
170 00056.56
200 00066.54
250 00083.18
300 00099.81
400 000133.08
500 000166.35
600 000199.63
700 000232.9
800 000266.17
900 000299.44
13 005.62
1.13 306.19
1.23 606.75
1.54 508.44
1.75 109.56
26 011.25
2.57 514.06
39 016.87
412 022.5
515 028.12
618 033.74
721 039.37
824 044.99
927 050.62
1030 056.24
1133 061.86
1236 067.49
1545 084.36
1751 095.61
2060 112.48
2575 140.6
3090 168.72
40120 224.96
50150 281.2
60180 337.44
70210 393.68
80240 449.92
90270 506.16
100300 562.4
110330 618.64
120360 674.88
150450 843.61
170510 956.09
200601 124.81
250751 406.01
300901 687.21
4001 202 249.62
5001 502 812.02
6001 803 374.42
7002 103 936.83
8002 404 499.23
9002 705 061.63
Changes in currency exchange rates against the euro : More options
Currencies that increase the most appear first
1 day :
XAU XAU Gold gram [Gold gram]0.852073 %
MXN MXN Mexico [Mexican peso]0.762187 %
GBP GBP Great-Britain [Pound sterling]0.499288 %
JPY JPY Japan [Japanese yen]0.354929 %
NOK NOK Norway [Norwegian krone]0.294279 %
INR INR India [Indian rupee]0.181965 %
HKD HKD Hong-Kong [Hong Kong dollar]0.158391 %
ARS ARS Argentina [Argentine peso]0.144259 %
USD USD United States [US dollar]0.143062 %
SGD SGD Singapore [Singapore dollar]0.120718 %
SEK SEK Sweden [Swedish krona]0.074133 %
TWD TWD Taiwan [New Taiwan dollar]0.053790 %
AUD AUD Australia [Australian dollar]0.013336 %
EUR EUR Euroland [Euro]0.000000 %
CAD CAD Canada [Canadian dollar]-0.049156 %
CHF CHF Switzerland [Swiss franc]-0.086853 %
TZS TZS Tanzania [Tanzanian shilling]-0.127999 %
BRL BRL Brazil [Brazilian real]-0.136421 %
KRW KRW South Korea [South Korean won]-0.290737 %
CNY CNY China [Chinese yuan renminbi (RMB)]-0.291916 %
1 year :
XAU XAU Gold gram [Gold gram]37.638628 %
AUD AUD Australia [Australian dollar]3.026544 %
GBP GBP Great-Britain [Pound sterling]2.987253 %
CHF CHF Switzerland [Swiss franc]2.908277 %
SEK SEK Sweden [Swedish krona]2.433765 %
SGD SGD Singapore [Singapore dollar]0.544883 %
EUR EUR Euroland [Euro]0.000000 %
CNY CNY China [Chinese yuan renminbi (RMB)]-1.339752 %
NOK NOK Norway [Norwegian krone]-2.506080 %
JPY JPY Japan [Japanese yen]-3.068280 %
KRW KRW South Korea [South Korean won]-3.230384 %
CAD CAD Canada [Canadian dollar]-3.880897 %
TWD TWD Taiwan [New Taiwan dollar]-4.178614 %
HKD HKD Hong-Kong [Hong Kong dollar]-4.364663 %
USD USD United States [US dollar]-5.163511 %
INR INR India [Indian rupee]-6.045426 %
BRL BRL Brazil [Brazilian real]-11.498408 %
TZS TZS Tanzania [Tanzanian shilling]-12.537977 %
MXN MXN Mexico [Mexican peso]-13.633008 %
ARS ARS Argentina [Argentine peso]-65.802569 %
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Enter an amount in the box field of your chosen currency and click here or another box field to see the converted amount.

Amounts can be entered with a comma or dot to separate the decimal part.
Be careful : some historic rates of minor currencies are not known a long way in the past.

TZSTZS Tanzania [Tanzanian shilling]
EUREUR Euroland [Euro / €]
USDUSD United States [US dollar / $]
AUDAUD Australia [Australian dollar / $ AU]
CADCAD Canada [Canadian dollar / $ CA]
CHFCHF Switzerland [Swiss franc / F CH]
CNYCNY China [Chinese yuan renminbi (RMB) / ¥]
GBPGBP Great-Britain [Pound sterling / £]
JPYJPY Japan [Japanese yen / ¥]
NZDNZD New-Zealand [New Zealand dollar / $ NZ]
ZARZAR South Africa [South African rand / R]
This page uses last published exchange rates on 04 October 2024 11:18 CEST.
For Gold (XAU), Silver (XAG), platinum (XPT) and Palladium (XPD), rates and amounts are expressed in grams (1 ounce=31.103 g).
All official rules are used