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Major fx rates :
1 EUR=1.0982 USD
1 EUR=163.31 JPY
1 EUR=0.8369 GBP
1 USD=148.71 JPY
1 USD=0.8575 CHF
1 GBP=1.3121 USD
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1 EUR=0.9417 CHF
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Rates on 06 October 2024 09:30 CEST

Currency pair JPY Japan [Japanese yen / ¥] against MZM Mozambique (->MZN) [Mozambican metical]

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Latest exchange rates :
on 06 October 2024 09:30 CEST
1 JPY-Japan [Japanese yen / ¥]=429.7117 MZM-Mozambique (->MZN) [Mozambican metical]
1 MZM-Mozambique (->MZN) [Mozambican metical]=0.0023 JPY-Japan [Japanese yen / ¥]
Historical exchange rates : More options
historical graph, click to enlarge
Since Since 2024 Since 2023 Since 2022 Since 2019 Since 2014 Since 1990 Since 1953 Candlestick chart
Cross fx rates : More options
AUDAUD101.065343 428.960210.92290.58280.61880.51790.6796
CADCAD109.512947 058.96341.083610.63150.67060.56120.7364
CHFCHF173.421474 521.20671.71591.583611.06190.88871.1661
EUREUR163.312570 177.2911.61591.49130.941710.83691.0982
GBPGBP195.133783 851.24971.93081.78181.12521.194811.3121
USDUSD148.713163 903.73371.47151.3580.85750.91060.76211

(*) Example :1 JPY-Japan [Japanese yen / ¥]=429.7117 MZM-Mozambique (->MZN) [Mozambican metical]

Pocket guide : More options
10042 971
11047 268
12051 565
15064 457
17073 051
20085 942
250107 428
300128 914
400171 885
500214 856
600257 827
700300 798
800343 769
900386 741
1 000429 712
1 100472 683
1 200515 654
1 500644 568
1 700730 510
2 000859 423
2 5001 074 279
3 0001 289 135
4 0001 718 847
5 0002 148 558
6 0002 578 270
7 0003 007 982
8 0003 437 693
9 0003 867 405
10 0004 297 117
11 0004 726 828
12 0005 156 540
15 0006 445 675
17 0007 305 098
20 0008 594 233
25 00010 742 792
30 00012 891 350
40 00017 188 467
50 00021 485 584
60 00025 782 700
70 00030 079 817
80 00034 376 934
90 00038 674 051
100 000233
110 000256
120 000279
150 000349
170 000396
200 000465
250 000582
300 000698
400 000931
500 0001 164
600 0001 396
700 0001 629
800 0001 862
900 0002 094
1 000 0002 327
1 100 0002 560
1 200 0002 793
1 500 0003 491
1 700 0003 956
2 000 0004 654
2 500 0005 818
3 000 0006 981
4 000 0009 309
5 000 00011 636
6 000 00013 963
7 000 00016 290
8 000 00018 617
9 000 00020 944
10 000 00023 271
11 000 00025 599
12 000 00027 926
15 000 00034 907
17 000 00039 561
20 000 00046 543
25 000 00058 179
30 000 00069 814
40 000 00093 086
50 000 000116 357
60 000 000139 629
70 000 000162 900
80 000 000186 171
90 000 000209 443
Changes in currency exchange rates against the euro : More options
Currencies that increase the most appear first
1 day :
BRL BRL Brazil [Brazilian real]1.069059 %
MXN MXN Mexico [Mexican peso]0.451509 %
CNY CNY China [Chinese yuan renminbi (RMB)]0.431192 %
USD USD United States [US dollar]0.430534 %
HKD HKD Hong-Kong [Hong Kong dollar]0.391417 %
INR INR India [Indian rupee]0.357299 %
CAD CAD Canada [Canadian dollar]0.264004 %
GBP GBP Great-Britain [Pound sterling]0.050662 %
EUR EUR Euroland [Euro]0.000000 %
SGD SGD Singapore [Singapore dollar]-0.012643 %
KRW KRW South Korea [South Korean won]-0.057836 %
XAU XAU Gold gram [Gold gram]-0.112359 %
MZM MZM Mozambique (->MZN) [Mozambican metical]-0.118573 %
NOK NOK Norway [Norwegian krone]-0.130091 %
AUD AUD Australia [Australian dollar]-0.235780 %
CHF CHF Switzerland [Swiss franc]-0.245193 %
TWD TWD Taiwan [New Taiwan dollar]-0.257911 %
SEK SEK Sweden [Swedish krona]-0.420601 %
ARS ARS Argentina [Argentine peso]-0.477993 %
JPY JPY Japan [Japanese yen]-0.993499 %
1 year :
XAU XAU Gold gram [Gold gram]39.678424 %
GBP GBP Great-Britain [Pound sterling]3.427480 %
AUD AUD Australia [Australian dollar]2.847218 %
CHF CHF Switzerland [Swiss franc]2.459016 %
SEK SEK Sweden [Swedish krona]2.293275 %
SGD SGD Singapore [Singapore dollar]0.747520 %
EUR EUR Euroland [Euro]0.000000 %
CNY CNY China [Chinese yuan renminbi (RMB)]-0.711822 %
NOK NOK Norway [Norwegian krone]-0.977363 %
JPY JPY Japan [Japanese yen]-3.079968 %
CAD CAD Canada [Canadian dollar]-3.163456 %
HKD HKD Hong-Kong [Hong Kong dollar]-3.756905 %
KRW KRW South Korea [South Korean won]-3.910055 %
TWD TWD Taiwan [New Taiwan dollar]-3.950958 %
USD USD United States [US dollar]-4.560704 %
MZM MZM Mozambique (->MZN) [Mozambican metical]-5.023451 %
INR INR India [Indian rupee]-5.380118 %
BRL BRL Brazil [Brazilian real]-10.232789 %
MXN MXN Mexico [Mexican peso]-10.569002 %
ARS ARS Argentina [Argentine peso]-65.452886 %
Currency converter : More options
Enter an amount in the box field of your chosen currency and click here or another box field to see the converted amount.

Amounts can be entered with a comma or dot to separate the decimal part.
Be careful : some historic rates of minor currencies are not known a long way in the past.

JPYJPY Japan [Japanese yen / ¥]
MZMMZM Mozambique (->MZN) [Mozambican metical]
EUREUR Euroland [Euro / €]
USDUSD United States [US dollar / $]
AUDAUD Australia [Australian dollar / $ AU]
CADCAD Canada [Canadian dollar / $ CA]
CHFCHF Switzerland [Swiss franc / F CH]
CNYCNY China [Chinese yuan renminbi (RMB) / ¥]
GBPGBP Great-Britain [Pound sterling / £]
NZDNZD New-Zealand [New Zealand dollar / $ NZ]
ZARZAR South Africa [South African rand / R]
This page uses last published exchange rates on 06 October 2024 09:30 CEST.
For Gold (XAU), Silver (XAG), platinum (XPT) and Palladium (XPD), rates and amounts are expressed in grams (1 ounce=31.103 g).
All official rules are used