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Major fx rates :
1 EUR=1.0847 USD
1 EUR=162.75 JPY
1 EUR=0.8317 GBP
1 USD=150.04 JPY
1 USD=0.8667 CHF
1 GBP=1.3043 USD
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1 EUR=0.9401 CHF
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Rates on 18 October 2024
Currency pocket guide
To see equivalence between 2 currencies, fill in the following fields and click Go!
1st currency :
2nd currency :

Result :
on 18 October 2024
100 BRL-Brasil=230 214.12 SYP-Syria1 BRL=2 302.141241 SYP
100 SYP-Syria=0.04 BRL-Brasil1 SYP=0.000434 BRL
Equivalence sheet between 2 currencies
0.51 151.07
0.61 381.28
0.71 611.5
0.81 841.71
0.92 071.93
12 302.14
1.12 532.36
1.22 762.57
1.53 453.21
1.73 913.64
24 604.28
2.55 755.35
36 906.42
49 208.56
511 510.71
613 812.85
716 114.99
818 417.13
920 719.27
1023 021.41
1125 323.55
1227 625.69
1534 532.12
1739 136.4
2046 042.82
2557 553.53
3069 064.24
4092 085.65
50115 107.06
60138 128.47
70161 149.89
80184 171.3
90207 192.71
100230 214.12
110253 235.54
120276 256.95
150345 321.19
170391 364.01
200460 428.25
250575 535.31
300690 642.37
400920 856.5
5001 151 070.62
6001 381 284.74
7001 611 498.87
8001 841 712.99
9002 071 927.12
1 0000.43
1 1000.48
1 2000.52
1 5000.65
1 7000.74
2 0000.87
2 5001.09
3 0001.3
4 0001.74
5 0002.17
6 0002.61
7 0003.04
8 0003.48
9 0003.91
10 0004.34
11 0004.78
12 0005.21
15 0006.52
17 0007.38
20 0008.69
25 00010.86
30 00013.03
40 00017.38
50 00021.72
60 00026.06
70 00030.41
80 00034.75
90 00039.09
100 00043.44
110 00047.78
120 00052.13
150 00065.16
170 00073.84
200 00086.88
250 000108.59
300 000130.31
400 000173.75
500 000217.19
600 000260.63
700 000304.06
800 000347.5
900 000390.94
1 000 000434.38
1 100 000477.82
1 200 000521.25
1 500 000651.57
1 700 000738.44
2 000 000868.76
2 500 0001 085.95
3 000 0001 303.13
4 000 0001 737.51
5 000 0002 171.89
6 000 0002 606.27
7 000 0003 040.65
8 000 0003 475.03
9 000 0003 909.4

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Note :
For Gold, Silver, platinum and Palladium, rates and amounts are expressed in grams (1 ounce=31.103 g).
Rates from European Central Bank on 18 October 2024.

Quick links for currency pocket guide :
Pocket guide for EUR/USD
Pocket guide for EUR/GBP
Pocket guide for EUR/JPY
Pocket guide for USD/JPY
Pocket guide for USD/CHF
Pocket guide for GBP/USD
Pocket guide for USD/CAD
Pocket guide for USD/AUD
Pocket guide for EUR/CHF