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Major fx rates :
1 EUR=1.1086 USD
1 EUR=159.37 JPY
1 EUR=0.8319 GBP
1 USD=143.76 JPY
1 USD=0.8474 CHF
1 GBP=1.3326 USD
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1 EUR=0.9394 CHF
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Rates on 01 October 2024
Currency pocket guide
To see equivalence between 2 currencies, fill in the following fields and click Go!
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2nd currency :

Result :
on 01 October 2024
100 EUR-Euroland=1 449 955.6 SYP-Syria1 EUR=14 499.556 SYP
100 SYP-Syria=0.01 EUR-Euroland1 SYP=06.9E-5 EUR
Equivalence sheet between 2 currencies
0.11 449.96
0.111 594.95
0.121 739.95
0.152 174.93
0.172 464.92
0.22 899.91
0.253 624.89
0.34 349.87
0.45 799.82
0.57 249.78
0.68 699.73
0.710 149.69
0.811 599.64
0.913 049.6
114 499.56
1.115 949.51
1.217 399.47
1.521 749.33
1.724 649.25
228 999.11
2.536 248.89
343 498.67
457 998.22
572 497.78
686 997.34
7101 496.89
8115 996.45
9130 496
10144 995.56
11159 495.12
12173 994.67
15217 493.34
17246 492.45
20289 991.12
25362 488.9
30434 986.68
40579 982.24
50724 977.8
60869 973.36
701 014 968.92
801 159 964.48
901 304 960.04
1001 449 955.6
1101 594 951.16
1201 739 946.72
1502 174 933.4
1702 464 924.52
2002 899 911.2
2503 624 889
3004 349 866.8
4005 799 822.4
5007 249 778
6008 699 733.6
70010 149 689.2
80011 599 644.8
90013 049 600.4
1 0000.07
1 1000.08
1 2000.08
1 5000.1
1 7000.12
2 0000.14
2 5000.17
3 0000.21
4 0000.28
5 0000.34
6 0000.41
7 0000.48
8 0000.55
9 0000.62
10 0000.69
11 0000.76
12 0000.83
15 0001.03
17 0001.17
20 0001.38
25 0001.72
30 0002.07
40 0002.76
50 0003.45
60 0004.14
70 0004.83
80 0005.52
90 0006.21
100 0006.9
110 0007.59
120 0008.28
150 00010.35
170 00011.72
200 00013.79
250 00017.24
300 00020.69
400 00027.59
500 00034.48
600 00041.38
700 00048.28
800 00055.17
900 00062.07
1 000 00068.97
1 100 00075.86
1 200 00082.76
1 500 000103.45
1 700 000117.24
2 000 000137.94
2 500 000172.42
3 000 000206.9
4 000 000275.87
5 000 000344.84
6 000 000413.81
7 000 000482.77
8 000 000551.74
9 000 000620.71

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Note :
For Gold, Silver, platinum and Palladium, rates and amounts are expressed in grams (1 ounce=31.103 g).
Rates from European Central Bank on 01 October 2024.

Quick links for currency pocket guide :
Pocket guide for EUR/USD
Pocket guide for EUR/GBP
Pocket guide for EUR/JPY
Pocket guide for USD/JPY
Pocket guide for USD/CHF
Pocket guide for GBP/USD
Pocket guide for USD/CAD
Pocket guide for USD/AUD
Pocket guide for EUR/CHF