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Major fx rates :
1 EUR=1.1039 USD
1 EUR=161.98 JPY
1 EUR=0.8426 GBP
1 USD=146.73 JPY
1 USD=0.8503 CHF
1 GBP=1.3101 USD
1 USD=1.3538 CAD
1 USD=1.4606 AUD
1 EUR=0.9387 CHF
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Rates on 03 October 2024
Forex map : display exchange rates changes over time on a world interactive map
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Base currency : Changes in map against today's currency
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Move the mouse over a country to see the exchange rate changes over a period. Click on a country to see the details and historical charts
In green, countries whose currency increases against base currency USD. In red, countries whose currency decreases.
Tip if you want to travel : go to the countries in red, you will have more with your money than in the past.
Zoom in on:World Europe East Europe North america South america Africa Middle East Caribbean Asia Pacific

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