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Major fx rates :
1 EUR=1.1039 USD
1 EUR=161.98 JPY
1 EUR=0.8426 GBP
1 USD=146.73 JPY
1 USD=0.8503 CHF
1 GBP=1.3101 USD
1 USD=1.3538 CAD
1 USD=1.4606 AUD
1 EUR=0.9387 CHF
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Rates on 03 October 2024
This tool converts currencies at a specific date using historical rates
Actual value adjusted with Consumer Price Index is also computed on bottom of the page for major currencies

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on 03 October 2024
100 TMT-Turkmenistan [Turkmenistani new manat]=221.33 HKD-Hong-Kong [Hong Kong dollar / $ HK]1 TMT=2.213281 HKD
100 HKD-Hong-Kong [Hong Kong dollar / $ HK]=45.18 TMT-Turkmenistan [Turkmenistani new manat]1 HKD=0.451818 TMT
Enter an amount in the box field of your chosen currency and click here to see the converted amount :
CurrencyAmountExchange rate
TMTTMT Turkmenistan [Turkmenistani new manat]1 TMT=1 TMT
HKDHKD Hong-Kong [Hong Kong dollar / $ HK]1 TMT=2.213281 HKD
AUDAUD Australia [Australian dollar / $ AU]1 TMT=0.416252 AUD
CADCAD Canada [Canadian dollar / $ CA]1 TMT=0.385815 CAD
CHFCHF Switzerland [Swiss franc / F CH]1 TMT=0.242332 CHF
CNYCNY China [Chinese yuan renminbi (RMB) / ¥]1 TMT=2.000121 CNY
EUREUR Euroland [Euro / €]1 TMT=0.258157 EUR
JPYJPY Japan [Japanese yen / ¥]1 TMT=41.816225 JPY
GBPGBP Great-Britain [Pound sterling / £]1 TMT=0.217518 GBP
MXNMXN Mexico [Mexican peso]1 TMT=5.560412 MXN
NZDNZD New-Zealand [New Zealand dollar / $ NZ]1 TMT=0.458202 NZD
SEKSEK Sweden [Swedish krona]1 TMT=2.932918 SEK
USDUSD United States [US dollar / $]1 TMT=0.284979 USD

Any trouble ? See How to use this converter
Amounts can be entered with a comma or dot to separate the decimal part.
Be careful : some historic rates of minor currencies are not known a long way in the past.
Exchange rates are refreshed daily and are the official ones published by Central banks on 03 October 2024.
Use this currency converter for live prices.

Before 31/12/1998, the Euro(EUR) exchange rates are theoretical ones. Use the XEU code to see Ecu (European Currency Unit) exchange rates. Before 13/03/1979 XEU rates are theoretical ones.
For Gold (XAU), Silver (XAG), platinum (XPT) and Palladium (XPD), rates and amounts are expressed in grams (1 ounce=31.103 g).
All official rules are used