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Major fx rates :
1 EUR=1.0824 USD
1 EUR=174.06 JPY
1 EUR=0.8461 GBP
1 USD=160.81 JPY
1 USD=0.8989 CHF
1 GBP=1.2792 USD
1 USD=1.3614 CAD
1 USD=1.4849 AUD
1 EUR=0.973 CHF
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Rates on 06 July 2024
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on 06 July 2024
1 ILS-Israel [Israeli new shekel]=0.2695 USD-United States [US dollar / $]1 ILS=0.269462 USD
1 USD-United States [US dollar / $]=3.7111 ILS-Israel [Israeli new shekel]1 USD=3.711105 ILS

Conversion of 1 ILS to USD on 29 June 2024
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Historical exchange rates array :
29 June 2024 / 06 July 2024
DateILS/USD (Reference Price **)%Min Average Max FirstLast
Saturday 06 July 20240.2694620.000%0.2707160.2710480.2717400.2707160.270716
Friday 05 July 20240.269462+0.988%0.2672510.2691610.2717670.2672510.270716
Thursday 04 July 20240.266825+0.440%0.2655530.2668830.2679850.2655540.267729
Wednesday 03 July 20240.265656+0.060%0.2648090.2654410.2667070.2651040.265554
Tuesday 02 July 20240.265497-0.413%0.2646770.2655410.2664190.2657700.265104
Monday 01 July 20240.266599+0.115%0.2650390.2658920.2672550.2654790.265099
Sunday 30 June 20240.2662940.000%0.2649180.2653730.2655370.2655370.265479
Saturday 29 June 20240.2662940.2649180.2653640.2655370.2655370.265537
MinMaxAverageStandard deviationHistoric

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Compare this pair ILS / USD with other exchange rates:
Major historical exchange rates:
EUR / USD 3 months1 year5 years10 yearssince 1990All
EUR / JPY 3 months1 year5 years10 yearssince 1990All
EUR / GBP 3 months1 year5 years10 yearssince 1990All
EUR / CHF 3 months1 year5 years10 yearssince 1990All
EUR / CAD 3 months1 year5 years10 yearssince 1990All
EUR / AUD 3 months1 year5 years10 yearssince 1990All
USD / JPY 3 months1 year5 years10 yearssince 1990All
USD / CHF 3 months1 year5 years10 yearssince 1990All
GBP / USD 3 months1 year5 years10 yearssince 1990All
USD / CAD 3 months1 year5 years10 yearssince 1990All
USD / AUD 3 months1 year5 years10 yearssince 1990All
XAU (g) / EUR 3 months1 year5 years10 yearssince 1990All
XAU (oz) / USD 3 months1 year5 years10 yearssince 1990All
Exchange rates are refreshed daily and are the official ones published by Central banks
Before 31/12/1998, the Euro(EUR) exchange rates are theoretical ones. Use the XEU code to see Ecu (European Currency Unit) exchange rates. Before 13/03/1979 XEU rates are theoretical ones.
For Gold (XAU), Silver (XAG), platinum (XPT) and Palladium (XPD), rates and amounts are expressed in grams (1 ounce=31.103 g).